Joddie’s Substack
SnackySays featuring Joddie Taylor
New Tiny Podcast and Amazon Influencer Program: Micro Business Updates

New Tiny Podcast and Amazon Influencer Program: Micro Business Updates

Welcome back to the SnackySays podcast featuring Joddie Taylor! Today, I've got some exciting micro-business updates to share with you. From my latest productive stint in Kenz Soliman's "Podcastify It" course to creating my brand new tiny podcast, "Joddie Tried It," a lot is happening behind the scenes. We'll dive into my latest Amazon influencer venture and the first modest earnings.

Plus, I've got a fantastic resource from Michelle Simpkin of Wild and Solo to help you track your wins. As always, links to everything I mention will be in the show notes!

Let’s hop into it! 🐇

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  1. I now have my own Amazon Storefront! EEK! I am officially in the Amazon Influencer Program, so you can now view all of my recommendations, including product review videos, in one place. Please check it out HERE, and if you’re interested, please follow me! ❤️

  2. Becoming an Amazon Reviewer | The course that taught me all about getting into the Amazon Influencer Program. Also, check out my podcast episode about my experience: Discovering Amazon Reviewing: Joddie Taylor Tries Elly Watson's Course.

  3. Podcastify It! | This course is also from Kenz Soliman. It allows you to turn any idea into a podcast feed in minutes, create unlimited free and paid podcasts, and connect with your audience with much more ease and fun!

    NEW TO PODCASTIFY IT: Kenz is sharing her asynchronous interview setup behind the scenes and how you can use it for your podcast, audio summit, customer reviews, etc.

    PS. If you’d like to check out all of Kenz’s products, please CLICK HERE.

    Podcastify It Momentum Week (I created Quick Story Podcast during my first time participating)

  1. My new Tiny Podcast is “JODDIE TRIED IT," where I share my extensive experiences in personal and professional development. After exploring courses, memberships, apps, and coaching programs for over seven years, I offer listeners honest reviews and insights. I will focus on my most recent experiences from 2023 and 2024, with some storytime here and there.

  1. My Self Care stayfit digital journal is not just a guide but a practical tool filled with journal prompts and actionable steps. It's designed to empower you to stay on track with your fitness goals, no matter how hectic life gets. It’s only $7! CLICK HERE to learn more.

  1. Quick Story Podcast | I created it during the first Podcastify It live round in February. I was one of seven students who won the Get It Done week, and Kenz interviewed me in an exclusive podcast emailed to her Udemy student list of 150,000+ students worldwide!

    In addition, I learned how to publish my first private podcast on bcast called SNACKERS!

  1. Celebrate Your Wins Tracker Spreadsheet (Google Sheets) | $5 | Wild & Solo | a fantastic (digital!) way to track and celebrate your wins.

Are you a fan of Notion and comfortable using it? Michelle also has a Creating Pretty Notion Planners Mini-Course!


Some of the links on SnackySays are affiliate links at no additional cost. I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. 
I only recommend products and services that I love or believe might be useful to you.   ✨❤️

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Joddie’s Substack
SnackySays featuring Joddie Taylor
Hey! Hey! My name is Joddie Taylor of - Listen along as I chat about all things fitness and food and everrything (not a typo!) on my mind. 😃😍